So you’re ready to set your horse up the right way with the perfect rubber mat, and welcome him home to a good night of rest!
There’s only one problem.
You wander into your barn the first time after unloading them, and while dreaming of fresh air and the sweetness of alfalfa, grain, and horsehair, you are instead affronted with the overwhelming smell of rubber.
What do you do now?
Well, you’ve come to the right place to get some tips on how to resolve that – leaving you with all the comforting smells of horse life that you actually want welcoming you upon entering your barn!
It is best to take care of this rubber smell before you’ve placed them in the stalls, but if you’ve already installed them you will need to take them out for this process.
The Cleaning Process For Horse Stall Mats
1. Purchase your ph neutral cleaning product of choice.
2. Dilute the product with warm water, according to the appropriate portions for the product you are using
3. Use a cloth or scrub brush to thoroughly scrub both sides of the mat with the mixture
4. Layout your mats somewhere they will have plenty of air ventilation and preferably sunlight. (If you can set them on something, or prop them against a fence or shed so they can receive airflow on all sides, this is ideal.)
5. Rotate the mats periodically so that both sides are receiving air ventilation and exposure to the sun. (Do not underestimate the power of the sun in this process!)
6. You may want to repeat this process several times over the course of a few days (or even a couple of weeks) to make the largest impact against stronger rubber smells.
The crucial elements of this process are the air ventilation and sunlight. It may take a great deal of patience for you to be able to smell a difference, but it is very important that the mats are able to breathe and receive a considerable amount of heat from the sun in the meantime.
What Products Can I Use?
The PH balance is important because you do not want to damage the rubber while cleaning out the smell. There are a number of products out there but a few commonly used options include:
1. Simple green
3. Vinegar
4. Baking Soda
If you have chosen to go a cheaper route with your horse stall mats and find they reek strongly of rubber, you may not be able to completely eliminate the smell. However, using this method and having patience can greatly mitigate the smell of rubber!
If you are wondering about the purposes of stall mats, or curious about how to find a mat that is right for you, you can check out these articles!